Nashville Journal, July 2023
Returning To Nashville
So far, it’s been a unique, and slightly tumultuous adventure for me in Nashville. I came here in 2021, landed in Pegram, (a rural suburbed Southwest of the city), moved to Brentwood 3 months later, only to fall gravely sick with Covid about 5 months after that. You know what they say–“making plans is a good way to make God laugh!”

Nashville Journal, July 2022
Where Do Songwriters Come From?
Are they poets? writers? musicians? or some combination of the three? Are they serious about songwriting as a career?
Anybody in Nashville might tell you something different when asked these questions. All I can say after only being in Nashville for about half of 2021 (before being bounced back temporarily to Chicago with Covid pneumonia), is the answer is yes, yes, yes, and yes.
Nashville Journal, May 2022
Live Like You’re Dying
Like any writer, I came to Nashville with the song in my head and in my heart. I spent the spring and summer of 2021 learning about the city (about the wonderful state of Tennessee) while playing guitar, finishing songs, going to Honky Tonks, and making friends.

Nashville Journal, June 2022
About a year and a half ago, I was visiting my sister in Southern California when I found myself listening to a gentleman playing his mandolin on a street bench as I strolled in for coffee at a local café early one morning.
As a songwriter, I’m always intrigued by instrumentalists, and this fellow was making his mandolin talk. After our pleasantries became a bit of some song shoptalk, I asked him whether he did session work.

Nashville Journal, October 2021
Wolf Suite
The things you can find on Craig’s List!
It wasn’t easy for this Chicago songwriter to find an apartment in Nashville. For weeks I had explored and found a very inconsistent and quite obtuse response to my inquisitions. Finally, I saw an ad for a place that was so unique I’m absolutely certain I’ll never see its like again.